How do we provide feedback?

Parents receive an academic student report at the end of Semester 1 and at the end of Semester 2. These reports contain an A-E scale and dots to indicate achievement against the relevant standard at the time of the report. The report also contains written personalised comments from the teacher explaining what the student has achieved, areas for improvement, future learning - what the school will do and what parents can do at home. The report also includes comments from the specialists. In addition, the Years 3 – 6 students have their learning goals and a comment about achieving their goals from the teacher.


Murchison Primary School promotes open communication between parents and teachers with informal meetings and conversations occurring frequently. Parent / teacher interviews occur during Term 1 and at the end of Term 2 for all students.


Students, who have been funded by the Programs for Students with Disabilities (PSD), are in Out of Home Care or who have been identified as requiring additional support is part of our Student Support Group meetings each term.


To celebrate student success, we have weekly ‘Student of the Week’ awards given out at Monday assemblies. Each month we award an ‘Aussie of the Month’ to a student who consistently demonstrates our school values and keys to success. Students are awarded reading awards for every 50 nights of reading and Attendance awards (Gold, Silver and Bronze) at the end of each semester.


Our Student led assembly on Friday afternoon’s feature individual students sharing what they have been working on during that particular week.